"Your journey should leave a trail
for others to follow"

It was one of those things that you promise you will do when you are in a life threatening situation.  The promise was to help others get through cancer.

But I want to let everyone know that miracles can happen if you are positive and truly believe - there is much more to all of this than just the doctors and the treatments.  I was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer in April 2006 - I was given 2 months to live and then a 5% chance of living 5 years and that was twelve years ago April 18th, 2006.

Somedays I question why it was that I was put through all that I went through and I truly believe it was to give others hope and for that I am truly blessed.  Miracles really do happen every day - some days we just have to look a little harder for them.

We Won The Battle

(and so can YOU)
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SymptomsNutritionAttitudeTotes for CancerSlo Pitch for HopeContact Us
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I hope within this website you will find something or someone that will help you through your struggle - just know that you are not alone in your battle.  Enjoy your journey. 
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Susan Snow
Susan Snow
I was fortunate to have communicated with Bernie Siegel, author of Love, Medicine & Miracles

- His note to me.....
"like waging a war against cancer
you didn't empower your enemy
you healed"

My story is in Bernie Siegel, M.D.'s latest book - "Book of Miracles" 
Foreword by Bernie Siegel, MD - Author of Love. Medicine & Miracles and The Art of Healing
Click on book to go to Amazon to purchase Susan's book - "Susan Has Cancer - It Just Hasn't Dawned On Her"
We have a Facebook Page. I will be posting articles on Cancer.  Search for "Susan Has Cancer"  See you there! 

My book includes the non-conventional treatments that I did as well as conventional treatment followed.  It has a great recipe for fruit lax, also ideas for financial help.  And hopefully, it  just gives people hope that are going through cancer.