Breast Cancer:
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, see your doctor for a diagnosis and possible treatment. If you are over 40, mammograms are suggested annually.
1 A lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the underarm
2A change in the size or shape of the breast;
3Nipple discharge or tenderness;
4An inverted nipple;
5Ridges or pitting on the breast (resembling an orange peel);
6A change in the look or feel of the breast, areola or nipple (such
as temperature, swelling, redness or a scaly feel)
Suggested Nutrition Tips:
-Keep your fat content low. Below 25 percent of your daily calories is ideal.
-Avoid animal fats, polyunsaturated fats (many vegetable oils), andhydrogenated oils (margarines and vegetable shortenings) all can increase cancer risks.
-Use healthy fats: monounsaturates such as extra virgin olive oil, freshly ground flaxseed and oily fish such as wild Alaskan salmon and sardines (which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids) may reduce your risk of breast cancer.
-Include whole soy products in your diet. Soy foods contain many cancer- protective substances, including isoflavones. Try to eat one to two servings of whole soy-based foods a day.
-Avoid alcohol. Even in modest amounts, alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
-Minimize your consumption of meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products.
-Eat more fruits and vegetables! They contain many different cancer-protective phytonutrients.
Colon Cancer:
With regard to preventing colon cancer, early detection is key to winning the battle. Once you reach the age of 50, the following tests should be done routinely:
A fecal occult blood test (to test for blood in the feces) annually, or more often if any problems have been encountered.
A flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years if normal, or
A colonoscopy (if normal, every 10 years), or
A barium enema every 5 to 10 years if normal and
A digital rectal exam at the same time the sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy or barium enema is performed (up to 10 percent of tumors can be detected by this low-tech test). Screenings should be initiated earlier than age 50 if there is a family history of colon cancer or polyps. The rule of thumb is that a person should be screened 10 years before the age the family member was when they were diagnosed with colon cancer. All family members should be screened if there has been colon cancer in your family.
Anyone can get colon polyps, but certain people are more likely to form polyps than others. You may have a greater chance of getting polyps if you:
-are age 50 or older
-have a family member who has had polyps
-have a family member who has had colon cancer
-have a high intake of fatty foods
-use tobacco
-drink alcohol
-are sedentary
-are overweight
The majority of small polyps do not cause symptoms. Often, people do not know they have a polyp until the doctor discovers it during a routine checkup or while testing them for something else. But some people do have symptoms such as:
-Rectal bleeding. You might notice blood on your underwear or on toilet paper after a bowel movement.
-Constipation or diarrhea that lasts longer than seven days.
-Blood in the stool. Blood can make stool look black, or it can appear as red streaks in the stool. Consult your doctor if you have noticed these symptoms.
-Change in Bowel habits
-Narrower than normal stools consistently
-Feeling that the bowel does not empty completely.
-Unexplained weight loss
-Constant tiredness and unexplained anemia
-Persistent abdominal bloating, feelings of fullness, cramps.
Suggested Nutrition Tips:
-Eat very little, if any, red meat. Regular consumption of red meat results in an increased risk of developing colon cancer compared to eating no red meat at all.
-Eat generous amounts of vegetables. Green leafy vegetables, especially, have been linked to lower risk of colon cancer.
-Eat plenty of fiber from a variety of foods (from beans to whole grains to fruit). Although recent studies about which specific foods provide the most benefit have not been conclusive - especially when it comes to primary prevention of colon cancer - most physicians, researchers and nutritionists recommend a largely plant-based diet with lots of fiber.
-Limit alcohol. Studies suggest that the more alcohol you drink, the higher your risk of developing colon cancer.
Make green tea your beverage of choice. Green tea consumption is linked with lower incidence of many kinds of cancer.
-Consider taking aspirin therapy. Research suggests that taking a daily low-dose aspirin over a period of years can cut colon cancer risk by as much as half.
-Take a multivitamin containing folic acid and vitamin D.
-Keep blood sugar and insulin levels low. Insulin resistance, especially when linked to excessive abdominal body fat, is associated with an increased risk of colon cancer.
-Eat small, balanced meals frequently and watch your intake of carbohydrates (sugars and starches), especially those with a high glycemic index.?
Click on the type of Cancer to go directly to the information
Prostate Cancer:
Scientists have estimated that lifestyle factors account for about 75 percent of advanced prostate cancer cases. Of all the environmental factors, diet appears to be the most influential. So what can you do about prostate cancer? Try the following:
-Watch your diet. Avoid a diet high in red meat, saturated fat and dairy products, all of which may increase the risk for prostate cancer. Instead, eat more tomatoes, especially tomatoes in sauces - they contain lycopene, a carotenoid linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer. Also include whole soy foods, which contain genistein, an isoflavone that helps normalize hormone levels; fish, which may lower the risk of prostate cancer; and fiber, which influences the elimination of hormones such as testosterone and estrogen.
-Drink green tea. Lab studies indicate that an antioxidant compound in green tea called EGCG kills prostate cancer. Another compound in green tea blocks the actions of an enzyme that promotes prostate cancer.
-Exercise. Regular aerobic exercise is associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer.
-Take a multivitamin that includes vitamin D and antioxidants, especially selenium.
-Have regular screenings. Rectal exams can provide early detection of problems with the prostate gland.
Here's a link to an amazing Prostate Cancer Canada video.
Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer in its early stages often does not cause any symptoms at all. When symptoms do start, they are often vague and easily mistaken for more common illnesses.
Ovarian cancer, in its early stages, may cause:
abdominal discomfort, pressure or pain
abdominal swelling
change in bowel habits
feeling full after a light meal
upset stomach
feeling that the bowel has not completely emptied
pain in lower back or leg
more frequent or urgent urination
abnormal vaginal bleeding
menstrual disorders
pain during intercourse
If these symptoms increase in intensity or severity or last longer than 2 to 3 weeks, you should contact your doctor.
Esophageal Cancer
Esophageal cancer often does not cause any signs or symptoms in its early stages. Most people do not have symptoms until the tumour blocks the esophagus, making it difficult to swallow. As the cancer grows, symptoms may include:
difficult or painful swallowing
weight loss
loss of appetite
feeling very tired
pain in the throat or back, behind the breastbone or between the shoulder blades
hoarseness or coughing
Uterine Cancer
The most common early symptom of uterine cancer is unusual bleeding or discharge from the vagina. Abnormal bleeding from the vagina may be caused by other health conditions. Check with your doctor to be sure.
Other possible symptoms of uterine cancer are:
difficult or painful urination
pain during sex
pain in the pelvis, back or legs
Stomach Cancer
Stomach cancer often does not cause any signs or symptoms in its early stages. The most common symptom is a mild ache in the abdomen that feels like indigestion. Possible symptoms include:
loss of appetite
indigestion that does not go away
nausea and vomiting
a bloated feeling after eating
change in bowel habits
unexplained weight loss
feeling very tired
In this video from the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), lung cancer expert Gregory Otterson, MD, of Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, talks about different forms of lung cancer, so lung cancer patients can understand more about this disease.